Global Social Solution Laboratory

Its an applied centre for the Social Solution that affects on our ecology. This Lab will serve for the world human Society and Ecology with a view to contribute in building judge and harmonious relationship among the living and long living things.
a. Responses for Protection and Development of Vulerable and marginalised People / community
Services are designed through research for resolving social risks and vulnerabilities of the Vulnerable and marginalised people and commuities. This services are closely linked with national and global targets of SDGs, as No One Should Left Behind
Identified Problems, Design Solutions through solution laboratory, Test/ Pilot as model and take it scale through advocacy, partnership and building alliance
b. Youth and Adolescents Development
For a better, sustainable, judge and pluralistic human society we must to reap seed today that means our children and youths to harvest that Peaceful and Judge Society as our better crops.
1. Youth Global Social & Humanities Olimpiad
2. Youths Debate for Cultural Pluralism
3. Learning Social Leadership ( International Volunteer Program / Internship)