UN 2030 Water Conference from 22-24 March, UNHQ, NewYork, USA
Press Release: @UN 2030 Water Conference from 22-24 March, UNHQ, NewYork, USA
25 Organizations as Stakeholders awarded as Special Accreditation including BSSF (Bangladesh Social Scientists Foundation - BSSF) from Bangladesh.
It is notable that Bangladesh Social Scientists Foundation - BSSF has been working with UN special accredited stakeholders platform named Together 2030 since 2017, from its inception to advocate and contribute in attaining @SDGs. Besides, it is also member of couple national and international alliance- Citizen's Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh, Right to Food ; socialprotection.org; UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. If you want to know more about it please contact: www.bssf.org.bd
Key updates of UN2030 Water Conference
1.Open call for Side Events deadline is 20 January 2023
2. Register of delegation to participate in person in the UN 2023 Water Conference – from 9 January – 10 February 2023
Side events can be organized in connection with the UN Organizations and accredited organisations. Additional details and guidance on how to submit a side event proposal, including Guidelines, please visit the website: https://bit.ly/Water2023SideEvents.
BSSF nominated a team of delegates from cross section of its stakeholder like Sociologist, Anthropologist, National Level Social Activists ( Sustainable Growth and Industries), and Women Activist, Community Based Ecosystem Experts and Community Leader.
BSSF is going to organize in Side Event in person inside the UN Head Quarter on 24 th March 2023. A High Level Policy Makers both International, Regiona and National are expected to attend in this Side Event, " Revitalization of Social Protection for Poor People’s Access to Safe Drinking Water".