Be a Professional Social and Behavioural Scientist
International Accredited Professional Social Scientists Program
BSSF and Social Development Council (SDC) Canada jointly offers Eight Professional Courses on Social Development issues with aimed to create Social Science Professional in International Standard. All these courses are standardize and Accredited by the Global Leading Accredited Organisation named Social Development Council, Canada. These are the courses as given below:
1. Professional Certificate in Social Care
2..Professional Certificate in Social Compliance
3. Professional Certificate in Social
4. Professional Certificate in Social and Behavioural Program Management
5. Professional Certificate in Social Science Communication
6. Professional Certificate in Social Laboratory Management
7. Professional Certificate in Social, Cultural Heritage and Policy Institute Management
8. Master Diploma in International Social and Behavioural Program Management
There are three intake of admission- January ( Winter), Summer ( June) and Fall ( August).
Please find the detail how to get admission in the (Get Involved Menu)
Or you can email: Director, International Institute of Social Scientists ( IISS), bssf.gs@gmail.com